Welcome to todays patch notes! We finally see the end of the christmas event and monsters stopped dropping Snowflakes, but apparently some fluffy things appeared...?
Also, we finally buffed some classes. Yay!
Resolved multiple logged errors to improve client and server stability.
Fixed an issue with the Arcanist Cosmic Element: Water skill.
Corrected a bug where the Item Wiki did not display all items.
Crash Fixes:
Fixed a crash when using the Pet Mistake window.
Fixed a rare crash caused by Mounts.
Fixed an issue where Mounts could be used with vendors/shops. This is no longer possible.
Item Adjustments
Removed Arrows and Posters from shops and level-up gift rewards.
Removed all Snowflake drops from monsters.
Removed Bloody Weapons from the Blade set effects until further notice. Maximum set effects can now be reached with 4 pieces.
Dungeon Adjustments
Crystal Catacombs:
Increased daily entries from 1 to 2.
Reduced drop rate of dungeon rewards by 20%.
Reduced Penya drop rate of [Deathbringer] Kheldor slightly.
Boss HP Adjustments:
Drakul the Diabolic: 271,725,060 → 201,725,060.
Dread Drakul the Diabolic: 571,725,060 → 331,725,060.
[Deathbringer] Kheldor: 2,147,483,000 → 1,047,483,000.
Reduced Tokens granted by [Deathbringer] Kheldor to one.
Boss HP Reset Fixes:
Drakul the Diabolic, Dread Drakul the Diabolic, and [Deathbringer] Kheldor no longer reset their HP during battles.
Skill Adjustments
Elementor & Arcanist:
Reduced the damage of all skills by 5%.
Elemental Hero Skill:
Increased duration to 60 seconds.
Increased cooldown to 75 seconds.
Ranger-Crackshooter: Increased damage by 20%.
Master Billposter-Forcemaster: Increased damage by 10%.
Ringmaster-Seraph: Increased damage by 10%.
Master Knight-Templar: Increased damage by 10%.
Increased Spirit Bomb damage by 5%.
Psykeepers and Elementors now benefit from the removal of penalties for elemental upgrades on weapons.
Increased the duration of debuffs to 120 seconds.
Reduced the damage reduction from Defender's Decrease from 15% to 12%.
Non-elemental magical skills no longer suffer penalties from elemental upgrades on weapons.
Blades and Jesters: Maintained their current balance—perfect as they are! ❤️
~Your Madrigal Heroes Team