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End of Open Beta


The Open Beta has officially ended!
The entire Beta experience has been a blast and has helped us more than we expected!

As of today, we've managed to gather over 700 members in our Discord server and 679 registered website accounts, which is insane for 'just' a Beta.
Our highest peak was 120 unique IP addresses online at the same time. I repeat—on a BETA!

We're grateful for every report and suggestion that has been made!

Behind the scenes, we are working at 101% to get this server up and running for everyone.
As announced earlier, the server will remain online until shortly before the launch, and we will soon patch in the balance changes and reset everyone to level 80.
So, for anyone who wants to, you can check out the balanced experience with a fixed EXP curve!

We will see how the next few days go and may be able to share more info about it soon!

For now, we want to thank everyone who joined the Beta.
[Madrigal Heroes Staff]